Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Adventure Essay Example For Students

Adventure Essay Adventure As I walked into the building I felt my heart pulsating in my chest. My bodytemperature rose until my face was flushed and my hands were cold. My wholebody shook as in an earthquake. I could feel my heartbeat travel all the way downto my feet. I told myself to pull it together. In five hours this would all be over. As I walked I seemed to draw the attention of strange people. They sized meup and down and led me down a long hallway, up some old wooden stairs andinto a room. They told me to wait there until someone came to get me. I lookedaround. There were barren walls and tables covered with papers. Chairs werestacked against the wall and I noticed another doorway. Afraid of what I mightfind, I quietly sat down. I waited 20 minutes until a frazzled women came runningup the stairs. She smiled and said she was very excited to see me. I smiled backand felt a sigh of relief. All the pressures and tension that had built up in my bodyseemed to float away. She was extremely nice a nd told me I would fit right in. She told me to go downstairs and start right away. With the confidence shegave me, I felt I could conquer the world. I knew I had the skills and thepersonality to do a good job. As I rounded the comer to see where I would be, Istared in awe. Shiny glass objects and all the candies in the world were placedneatly on the counter. Naive, I didnt realize people were laughing at myexcitement. They knew exactly what I was getting into. Just then I heard a high screaming voice. I looked around and saw a littlered-haired boy crying and pointing at me. The whole store turned and stared atme. I was scared and confused, and wondered why such a small boy was evenscreaming at me. I never did anything to him; I didnt even know him. I tried tofigure out what the boy was saying by reading his lips. They quivered as theyspoke in a shaky voice. Finally I figured out what he was saying Lollipop. That was the first of many adventures as I sold candy at the MarlboroughCo untry Barn. I was excited because it was my very first job, but that excitementwas quickly replaced with the screams and cries of little children begging theirparents to buy them candy, or the mad rush of cleats running over to my smallcounter to decide what candy they wanted as a reward for winning that afternoonssoccer game. No matter what I faced with little children, I still went to work andput up with them. Now I quietly snicker every time I see a new candy girl at theBarn. Links Hypertext or hypermedia objects that, once selected, will connect ou torelated documents or ther areas of nterest. Login Aprocess by which you gain access to computer by givnig it our usernameane passwordnetiquette The network equivalent of respectfulness and civility in dealing w/people and organizations. Network Agroup of computers(two or more)that are connected to one another throughvariousmeans, usually cable or dial-in Acceptance Essays

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